Horizon Community

Horizon Community: Empowering Space Education for Students in Israel

Welcome to Horizon Community, the leading hub for space education in Israel. Founded in January 2018, in collaboration with the Israeli Space Agency, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ramon Foundation, and the Ministry of Education, Horizon is dedicated to providing students with a transformative learning experience through the captivating world of space.

At Horizon, we believe that space education ignites curiosity, sparks imagination, and fosters a deep interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects. Our community of teachers, educators, and professionals from the space industry is united by the common goal of inspiring and empowering students across Israel.

:Our mission is to

  • Inspire Curiosity: Spark curiosity and fascination for space among students, cultivating a love for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects.
  • Expand Access: Ensure that space education is accessible to all students, regardless of their background, by developing inclusive and diverse programs and resources.
  • Foster Innovation: Drive innovation in space education through collaborative knowledge sharing, encouraging educators and space professionals to explore new teaching methods and approaches.
  • Empower Students: Empower students with the skills, knowledge, and passion needed to excel in the evolving space industry and become future leaders and innovators in the field.

Expanding Horizons:

We strive to expand the circle of practitioners in the space field, ensuring that more students have access to engaging and innovative space education programs. By collaborating with teachers and educators, we create a robust infrastructure of programs and resources tailored to their needs. Our aim is to make space a powerful tool for promoting STEM education, enabling students to explore the wonders of the universe and unlock their full potential.

Quality and Accessible Content:

Horizon Community is committed to delivering high-quality educational content that is accessible to students at all levels. Through our network of professionals, we develop and distribute innovative resources, ensuring that students receive a rich learning experience. We believe that every student, regardless of their background, should have the opportunity to engage with inspiring space education content.

Ignite Innovation with Collaborative Knowledge Sharing:

Horizon Community is a vibrant platform that unites educators and space professionals in a shared mission to ignite innovation in space education. We provide a dynamic space where these passionate individuals come together to collaborate, exchange valuable insights, and inspire one another’s creativity.

Through engaging discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities, our community fosters an environment of collaborative knowledge sharing. Educators gain access to the latest advancements in space education, while space professionals benefit from the firsthand experiences and perspectives of educators working directly with students.

By connecting these two worlds, Horizon Community sparks innovative ideas, groundbreaking projects, and transformative learning experiences. Together, we push the boundaries of space education, preparing students to become the trailblazers of tomorrow.

Be the first to know about exciting developments and opportunities in space education by subscribing to the Horizon Community newsletter. Join our network of passionate professionals shaping the future of space education in Israel. Stay informed, inspired, and engaged with the latest resources, events, and initiatives.

Sign up now to inspire the next generation of space enthusiasts and prepare them for a future of endless possibilities!

Website: https://www.horizon-space.com/

Email: hilay@ramonfoundation.org.il

Phone number: +972 52-459-8470

!Subscribe to the Horizon Community newsletter today

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